A pink lady justice holds a set of scales

Department of Justice Studies

The Department of Justice Studies is home to two distinct undergraduate programs: the Bachelor of Human Justice, and the Bachelor of Arts in Police Studies. These innovative programs prepare students for a wide variety of careers in the justice field.

Justice Studies' courses draw upon various academic disciplines such as anthropology, criminology, economics, geography, history, law, psychology, religious studies, and sociology integrating criminal, restorative and legal justice, and importantly social justice and human rights.

Justice Studies students have the opportunity to prepare for justice careers as pre-service professionals applying their knowledge, skills and attitudes at community, provincial, national and international levels with police services, restorative justice programs, correctional facilities, probation and parole services, human rights organizations, social services, and advocacy organizations with government and community-based organizations. This aspect of our programs emphasizes the value of integrating theory in practice and through learning by doing.

Human Justice students complete two practicum placements in justice organizations where they gain valuable professional knowledge, skills and attitudes that will afford them a solid foundation in their chosen justice careers.

During the final year of the Police Studies program, Professional Track students seek competitive admission to become a police officer and complete a one-year program of police college and on-the-job training, while Academic Track students complete additional university courses and a police-oriented practicum experiential learning placement.

UR Restorative Justice Club

Per their mission statement, the UR Restorative Justice Club "aims to promote the principles and values of Restorative Justice through processes, including dialogue, campaigns, circles, conferences, education, outreach, and research with academics, community members, practitioners, post-secondary volunteers, and skilled facilitators."

Future events can be found via their Instagram page.

Contact Us

Department of Justice Studies

University of Regina
Classroom Building, CL 343
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK  S4S 0A2

Administrative Assistant

Corie Smith
Phone: 306-585-4779

Department Head

Stuart Wilson

Associate Department Head

James Gacek

Practicum Coordinator

David Flomo

Announcements and Events

Recognition Ceremony for Chilean Emergency and Response Veterans

Four "veterans" of the 1973 Chilean emergency and response were honoured at a Recognition Ceremony hosted by the Chilean Ambassador to Canada.  Ambassador of Chile H.E. Juan Carlos Garcia Perez de Arce convened a Recognition Ceremony and reception on Thursday, June 13 at his residence in Ottawa.  The event marked fifty years since the military coup d’etat of September 11, 1973, recognizing international solidarity with Chile and Chileans.

The ceremony honoured four Canadians: recognizing their actions in the context of the coup d’etat in Santiago, protecting lives of those seeking safety:

Mark Dolgin, First Secretary, Embassy of Canada 

David Adam, First Secretary, Economic, Embassy of Canada

and instrumental in achieving changes in Canadian government policy resulting in the movement of 7,000+ refugees, including 200 political prisoners and their families:

Bob Thomson, Federal public servant, who leaked embarrassing cables from the Canadian Ambassador in Chile

John Foster, church official, a leader in citizen advocacy for human rights and refugees

 The Ambassador presented each with a brass medallion citing the fiftieth anniversary and recognizing international solidarity, together with an elegantly produced a trilingual edition of President Salvador Allende’s address to the U.N. General Assembly on Dec. 4, 1972. In her preface to the volume, Senator Isabel Allende Bussi cites two words from her father’s message: inequality and dignity: “inequality as a denunciation and dignity as a hope.”

Copper justice scales next to a stack of hardcover books

2024 Outstanding Young Alumni Award

On behalf of the University of Regina and the University of Regina Alumni Association (URRA), the Dept. of Justice Studies is pleased to announce that an alumna is receiving an Alumni Crowning Achievement Award this year:

Ashley Major BHJ’12 is the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Young Alumni Award

 The Alumni Crowning Achievement Awards (ACAAs) are one of the highest honours the University of Regina bestows upon its alumni. The University established the ACAAs in 1992 to honour its extraordinary alumni for their outstanding achievements and innovation, commitment to excellence, community engagement and leadership, and impact on the social, cultural, and economic well-being of our communities.

FAQ: Prospective Students - Human Justice

What is a Bachelor of Human Justice degree?
The Bachelor of Human Justice (BHJ) is a 120-credit-hour degree with an applied professional focus. Students gain an in-depth understanding of justice related to criminal and social justice in both Canadian and international contexts.

Students will acquire skills in analytical and critical thinking and human service practices complementing their general university studies and the liberal arts.

The Introductory and Advanced Practica are features of the BHJ program; students earning academic credit acquiring professional experience. Courses in the BHJ program are offered by faculty and practicing professionals.

The BHJ program prepares students for post-graduate work in fields such as law, criminology, justice studies, social justice, and human rights.
What are some of the career paths with a Bachelor of Human Justice degree?
Human Justice undergraduates have found careers in: law enforcement; corrections; anti-poverty work; human rights; mental health and substance abuse; community development; and policy and research among other justice fields.

FAQ: Prospective Students - Police Studies

What is a Bachelor of Arts in Police Studies?
The BA in Police Studies is a four-year degree, recognized as the best educational preparation for a career in policing in Saskatchewan.
Why would I want to get a degree if I want to be a police officer?
Contemporary policing is becoming increasingly professional, and that means that educational preparation is becoming increasingly important. The BA in Police Studies provides an excellent foundation for a successful application, and for a successful career.
How do I know that this is the "best" education I can get?

The BA in Police Studies has been recognized as the “best” in formal agreements signed by the Saskatchewan Police Commission, the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers – the whole policing community in Saskatchewan. It has also been recognized formally by other organizations, such as the RCMP/GRC and the Edmonton Police Service.

The degree was developed by the University of Regina in partnership with the Saskatchewan Police Commission, the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers, and was specifically designed to meet the needs of modern police services. An Advisory Board that includes members from all those groups oversees the Program at all times, which guarantees that it will always be up to date, and offer the best education available.

What is the Police Studies Program like?
Students begin with three years of academic course work. They then apply for employment with a police service and, if successful, will attend the Saskatchewan Police College - which is located at the University of Regina. They are paid for this, and receive academic credit toward the degree. They complete the degree with a one-term internship with their police service.
What courses will I take?
There are some required courses, and other parts of the Program that give you the freedom to choose your own courses. You will learn about matters ranging from the place of law and policing in the contemporary world, to the diversity of Canadian society. If you want to learn more, you can go to the following website.
What if I'm not sure what I want to do?
The BA in Police Studies includes all the first year courses required in all Arts degrees - so it is easy to transfer to another major. Also, if you don't go to Police College after the third year, you can take one more year of courses and graduate with the BA in Justice Studies.
Is there anything else I can do with these courses?
These degrees (BA in Police Studies and BA in Justice Studies) are excellent preparation for a wide range of career paths. You might think about work in corrections, probation or parole, going to law school, or working in the rapidly growing field of investigations and security.
How do I enroll?
ll you do is apply for admission to the Faculty of Arts at the University of Regina. Once you are accepted you simply declare that your major is Police Studies. We have student counselors who will help you get into the right courses.
Is there anything else I should know?
You should know that the University of Regina will do whatever it can to make sure your studies go well, and to help you make a successful career. There are workshops to help you with things like writing papers or preparing job applications. There are career fairs on campus every year, just for Police Studies students, and other programs designed to guarantee that our students will have the best possible preparation for a career in policing. (And all these things are free!) We also have a graduate program, which is specially designed for people working in the policing field, and many other police-related activities, ranging from research with our police partners to international conferences.

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